UPDATE… 5/7/15


To bring everyone up to speed; I am going to recap or summarize where we are in the fight to stop the Transmission Lines from getting built.
We have been holding meetings for months. We have been discussing the Toll Road, High Speed Rail, Centerpoint Transmission Lines and the Cross Texas Transmission Lines. Etc.
It is my understanding that GCAG (Grimes Citizens Advisory Group) – David Tullos President, formed an LLC (STOP-LINE) to raise money to hire David F. Brown to Stop the Transmission Line. You may have received a letter asking for contributions. There have been several meetings to discuss this effort. At this point; I am unsure how much has been raised, or if we have enough time to be effective in that fight. David F Brown expects the cost to be around $250,000, to pay the basic legal fees for this fight. I am willing to support this effort and I have collected funds to apply towards the legal fees. TIME IS VERY SHORT. If we are going to hire Mr. Brown to try to stop the line altogether, we have to donate NOW.
Navasota Realty and associates have formed CC-POA (Concerned Citizens Property Owner Alliance). We have not elected a president yet. This non-profit LLC has been formed to educate the public about these issues and how to Intervene. We have been collecting funds to hire legal help to be able to protect our property rights as well as to prevent the Transmission Lines from being built in our area. We are hoping to prevent them form being built all together. I, personally, believe that there are Alternatives to building more overhead lines. We will discuss those Alternatives at a later date, with Legal Counsel.
We will be holding a meeting on 5/14/15 at 6:30pm (Thursday evening) at 502 S LaSalle, Navasota, Texas 77868.
At this meeting I will do my best to help you all understand the Transmission line fight and how it may impact your property.
We will also take an official VOTE, by those in attendance, to continue raising funds to hire Mr. David F. Brown to file legal suit to STOP THE LINE or just focus on the smaller fights. If we vote in favor of hiring Mr. Brown, we have to give him a retainer of $50,000, as well as, commit to paying him an additional $200,000 over the next few months.
I, personally, think this is very important. If we have strong support, I will vote to hire him and do my part to help pay the fees.
CPGC (Citizens Protecting Grimes County)
This group has formed to Hire Brad Bayliff. His case is to push the line along side the existing right of way, if the PUC (Public Utility Commission) actually grants the permits for the lines to be built.
It is my position that this would do the least amount of damage, if it has to be built at all. Adding another 150 feet to an existing ROW is not nearly as bad as cutting a completely new 1000 foot swath through our properties.
The people who already have the line near them should support the effort to STOP the line altogether.
Everyone is invited to the open house meeting 5/14/15 at 6:30pm. It is time to get off the pot!!!!!!!!
As of this morning, I have $52,845 in actual pledges (these funds are earmarked for several different fights) with double the number of folks who say they are going to contribute $29,845 checks in hand. I expect that Mr. Tullos is holding several thousand in contributions which can be applied to the David Brown account.
Mr. Brown, Please correct me if I am wrong in any of my information. Please, confirm that we can still hire you to try and STOP the line if we are organized by 5/14/15. Give me your letter of engagement, as well, so that we can get this fight started.
If we fail to have enough commitments by 5/14/15 to pay Mr. Brown’s legal fees, I will either refund the money that has been contributed for this effort or the contributors can have the funds applied to other legal fees.